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Timeline of National Bartender Day 2021

National Bartender Day timeline


Bartenders worked hard — even during Prohibition

In fact, the bartending profession was alive and well in underground speakeasies during this time.​ The "dry" era even gave birth to an iconic drink: the gin and tonic.


​Jerry Thomas published "The Bar-tender's Guide"​

​​The popular American bartender and saloon owner wrote the first drink book ever distributed in the U.S.


Innkeepers as bartenders

Throughout Europe, innkeepers were their own bartenders. They usually made their own ales and spirits to serve to their guests.

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Bartenders have a rich history: They have been around since ancient times across cultures. And with over half a million bartenders in the U.S., National Bartender Day is a big holiday to celebrate. Whether you go out to a bar or restaurant in your neighborhood, make a trek to a new spot in town, or share a drink with your favorite bar tending friend, December 8 is the day to show your appreciation for all the mixologists out there.

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